Days Until 20

Friday, August 22, 2014


20 Books to Read Before I Turn 20

     These are the books that are going to make up my reading list for the next 10 months. 20 books in 10 months means about 1 book read every 2 weeks. This may seem a little long, but I also expect to be taking notes and writing a summary for each book as well. 

The books, from left to right.

1) Ceasar: Life of a Colossus 

Thanks to Ludvig Sunström for the book recommendation.

     Pretty much the only thing I know about Ceasar is that he was a dictator. The only thing I know about Rome is that they had big shields and gladiators. In fact, I learned about the sheild thing from the movie Gladiator. As awesome an actor as Russell Crowe is, history is not learned best through hollywood. I'm hoping to kill two birds with one stone here, to learn more about the world's first Republic, and to learn about the Man who's assassination marked the beginning of the end for the world's first Republic.

2) Steve Jobs 

     Probably just like every other American of my generation (read: millenial), I've had a fascination with the "great visionary of Apple," Steve Jobs. I've read this biography a few times before, but I've not taken notes on it. I will be paying special attention to the traits that make up Steve Jobs, and will take special consideration of the ones I may perhaps like to emulate.

3) iWoz

     While I'm rather familiar with Steve Jobs, I know next to nothing about Steve Wozniak. It seems only fair that I take a look at the brains of Apple if I'm going to be studying it's face.

4) The Law of Success

     It looks big and dense. I am honestly intimidated by the size of this book. I've handled college textbooks that were smaller than this. This book looks like it may take a little longer than two weeks. But that's ok. I have smaller, less dense books on this book list that will take less time to read , so it will balance out in the end.

Again, this reccomendation comes from a post at Start Gaining Momentum.

5) Arnold: The Education of a Body Builder

     Seems like required reading for anyone who wants big muscles. The few passages I've skimmed from it are extremely motivating. They make me want to get off my ass and go kill it in the gym. And if it makes Victor Pride's reading list, there's no reason it shouldn't be on mine.

6) The Slight Edge

     I bought this book during a short stint with Amway. Yes, that Amway. Pyramid scheme aside, the people at Amway do read useful books, if only to put their own spin on it. But the principles can be applied to anything, not just getting someone to see "the plan." I've read this book before, but without taking any notes. 

7) Think and Grow Rich

     Another one of Victor's approved resources. Everywhere I've read a review for this book I've read nothing but positivity. I've had it for a few months now, but I've never read it. I feel like I've been doing myself a great diservice.

8) King Warrior Magician Lover

     I heard about this book from Mike's post on the unconscious at Danger and Play. A fan of Meyers-Briggs personality types (created by standing on Carl Jung's shoulders), as well as archetypes in general (from story tropes to the metaphysical), this book ignited interest in me immediately. I devoured this book the day it arrived. I would like to read it again, this time savouring it a bit more, thinking about it a little more deeply, and taking some notes in the process.

9) The Road Less Traveled

     I first found this book on a shelf in the psychology class I took my Junior year of highschool. The entire time I was reading it, all I could think about was how utterly profound it was. After I finished reading it, I found it as an audiobook on YouTube and listened to that. I've since forgotten much of what I learned from that book, but I am eager to begin reading it again, this time taking notes on the powerful lessons therein.

10) How to Win Friends and Influence People

     Another book that was on the Amway reading list. I suspect that reading this book and applying what I learn from it will definitely help reach my income goals for my sales job. Everything I've heard about Dale Carenige's works has been extremely positive as well.

11) How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

    Another Dale Carnegie title, I bought this book when I realized that I was having anxiety issues. I read the first few chapters of the book, applied what I needed, and then, when my anxiety stopped, I stopped reading it. I would like to revisit the book and take notes that I can easily navigate if ever I begin to suffer from anxiety like that again.

12) Rich Dad Poor Dad

     It seems like everybody has an opinion about this book, even if the only thing they know about it is the title (which I guess was the point). I found a copy of this at my school's library when I was 16. It was the first place I was introduced to the idea that having a job was an absolutely bullshit if you ever wanted to make real money. While I never truly took the idea to heart, it was stuck in the back of my mind until, one day, 2 years later, I stumbled accross Bold and Determined. It was here I saw that not only was living without a job a possibility, but that it was possible. Today, anyone with an internet connection can create and sustain a profitable business. I want to reread this book to pick up any nuggets of wisdom that I may have missed or forgotten my first time around.

13) Ender's Game

I know. It's fiction

I know. It's science fiction. 

It's the domain of dweebs and geeks, neckbeards and manchildren that never outgrow their own childish fantasy-land filled with aliens, robots, and laser guns. 

Except Science Fiction predicted today's culture of civilian surveillance, political correctness, and first-world frivolity.

Huh. Maybe it's not so childish after all.

     Thematically, Ender's Game is an effective discourse and exploration of the psyche of those considered gifted and those considered leaders. It explores the psychic damge wrought on by the loneliness, alienation, and expectations that many great men have faced.

     When I first read this book my freshman year of highschool, I could relate greatly to the loneliness that Ender felt. I want to read this again, to see how I relate to Ender now, as well as see what new themes I manage to pick up on.

     These next few books are practical, how-to books that I've been sitting on top of for quite awhile. There's an obvious theme of coding and game creation if you read the titles and know what Blender and Unity are.

14) Learning Python with Raspberry Pi

     The second person I was rooming with when I moved out bought me a Raspberry Pi for my 19th birthday. I ordered this book from Barnes and Noble afterwards. It's a step-by-step project book using Pythong to program the Pi. I've always wanted to learn Python, but have yet to sit down and actually do anything with this book.

15) HTML and CSS

     I've always fancied myself having an eye for design. I can appreciate a well-designed site layout when I see one, and I've always wanted to try my hand at web design. I bought this book with this in mind. Now it's just a matter of acually doing it (the hard part).

16) Game Character Creation with Blender and Unity

     I believe I recieved this book one year either for Christmas of my Birthday while I was still living with my parents (before I moved back in). I remember being excited and diving headfirst into this book, but I quickly lost interest when I discovered that required a modest amount of *gasp* hard work and discipline! :O

17, 18, 19, 20)  ?  ?  ?

So what about the last 4 books? 

     The blogs I read are always suggesting great books that I've never heard of, or books that I've seen but held off on picking up. I know there are even some awesome ebooks floating around that are absolultely free.

     So I'm not worried. I'll find some more good books before long. Whenever I make a decision on what to read, this book list will be updated and I'll continue on my reading conquest.

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