Days Until 20

Monday, September 8, 2014

Should You Read This Blog?

This is a selfish blog.

I started this blog as a way to record my journey as I reach for an ideal self, for myself. By the very nature of the subject for this blog - my OWN goals - I was not expecting a serious, loyal readership. However, I now understand the significance of retaining an audience.

The measure of a blogs value is in their audience. The reason blogs like SGM or D&P have such a large following is because the blogs themselves are valuable. The authors focus on providing value to their readers; every post is designed to give something - knowledge, advice, insights, whatever - to the audience for the relatively small cost of time it takes to read their post. This is also how reader loyalty is established - consistently providing value. 

Now that I am thinking about attempting to provide value, I know I cannot provide value of this nature. For one, I'm 19 years old. My life experience is limited. I lack the maturity and wisdom to give any sort of advice, let alone the hard-hitting stuff that comes from the more experienced spectrum of the self-help blogosphere.

So what can you hope to get out this blog?

Most bloggers write about challenges and obstacles they had to overcome in order to get to where they are at. They have reached point B, and are looking back at the path that brought them there from point A.

I am at point A, and I want to share in real time the dips and turns, the ups and downs I am facing to get to my point B

I want to provide an intimate look at what a journey of this type looks like. 

My end goal for this blog is to provide a go-to example for those wishing to start on their own path, what pitfalls to expect and avoid, and to prove that this sort of self-maturation is possible and attainable, even at a (relatively) early age

I am going to spill my guts out on this blog. 

I aim to be as honest and authentic as possible. 

Hopefully you will find value in my writings.  

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