I actually feel like I did pretty good today. I got a lot more done today than I have recently. In fact, I'm in line to knock out one of my remaining 19 goals tomorrow! Will definitely be posting about that soon.
I also managed to find my state thanks to Mike and D&P.
I feel good. Things are looking up.
Let's see how I did today
Habit 1: No Snacking
I skipped breakfast this morning and ate only two meals. One was larger than it needed to be, but I ate no snacks today.
Habit 2: Get up at 5AM
I woke up at 7 today. I am still considering this a victory. I am going to get up earlier tomorrow.
Habit 3: Cold Showers Only!
The water is getting colder now that fall is here. Looking forward to gritting my teeth through the winter this year.
Habit 4: No Masturbation
I didn't even think about it.
Habit 5: 100 Pushups, Situps, and Bodysquats
Did all 100 today. I did half the workout in the morning, and I just finished the other half of it.
Habit 6: Dress Your Best
I dressed like I gave a fuck right after my shower this morning.
Habit 7: Finish Your To-Do List
I got it all done today. I kept it shorter than usual. Only 9 things today, as opposed to the 15 I usually have. I tend to overestimate what I can do, so I think I will stick to shorter to-do lists from now on.
Habit 8: Keep Prideful Posture
I kept this up all day! I constantly was up out of my chair doing the posture exercise that Mike shows off, and I made an effort to keep a straight back throughout the day.
Habit 9: Yes or No Answers to Yes or No Questions
I really want to say that I did this all today, but I cannot say it for sure. I have a sneaking suspicion that I lost this frame when I went to the store today and needed help finding some items.
Habit 10: Carry a Notebook and Pen Everywhere
Done. Even when I went into the store. Got a few more awesome ideas written down.
Habit 11: Move Towards Your Own Goal
I've been talking alot about these "business ideas" that I proclaim to be working on. I could totally be bullshitting you and just saying this to look good on my own blog.
However, I have a goal to have finished my first tangible "product" for this business by this Saturday. I made good progress on it today, and if I can keep up the pace, I will be able to put it up for all 12 readers to see!
Hopefully by then you will trust that I am legitimately trying to do shit in my real life, not trust trying to gain face on a faceless blog.
So. How'd I do?
Overall Score: 10 out of 11
I feel good about this, but I am not celebrating. I must remain cautious. I feel like I have a lot going for me right now. My relationships are all in a good place at the moment, and I have forced out negativity from my thoughts for the time being.
But I know how quickly this can all go to shit.
Tomorrow I might get dumped, my parents might kick me out, and I'll begin to hate myself all over again.
It seems like my ups are UP, and my downs are seriously down. I am feeling up, but I am only 2 days into this potentially 200 day 30 Days of Discipline run.
The true test is to get this high a score on days that I don't feel like doing anything.
We'll see how far I get.